We offer a great variety of measurement instruments, i.e. Oscilloscopes, Amplifiers, Spectrum Analyzer, Scalar and Vector Network Analyzer, Frequency Counters and Signal Generators – from all manufacturers – worldwide. We further offer measurement accessories, like adapters, switches, relays, directional couplers, filters, attenuators and more. Should you need items that you do not find in our catalogue, please contact us. We can source such items via our worldwide network. We can fill your requirements rapidly. All instruments are tested in our lab, prior to shipment. It assures a high Quality and Reliability for our customers.
We also purchase excess equipment and accessories at fair conditions. This may also include the exchange and credit for returned equipment.
Responding to a growing demand from our customers for customized coaxial cables, we invested into dedicated workplaces to provide a professional service. We installed machines and tools of important connector manufacturers, like Andrew, Huber & Suhner, Rosenberger, Telegärtner and IMS. This investment, our training and experience assure competent and professional assembly, test and fast delivery to individual specifications.
Your specifications are met !